October 5, 2021

Five Books Every Real Estate Agent Should Read Now

Productive reads for the self-employed entrepreneur.

There are many obvious must-haves for a successful real estate agent: empathy, optimism, charm, and drive come quickly to mind. A less appreciated requirement? A thirst for knowledge, especially during times of transition. “Lifelong learners generally excel at navigating the shifting trends of almost any industry,” says Uri Bar-Joseph, COO and Co-Founder of Formations, a financial management software solution for the self-employed. Here are five books that every real estate agent should read now, whatever their goals.


If you want to brush up on fundamentals:

The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, by Gary Keller, Dave Jenks, and Jay Papasan

Gary Keller wrote this helpful handbook for real estate agents of all levels. A subscriber to a bigger-is-better ideology, he covers the basics ably but also has smart things to say about the importance of mindset. Another bonus: his interviews with successful entrepreneurs that spotlight their strategies.


If you want to be a better communicator:

Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don't Know, by Malcolm Gladwell

New York Times bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell recognizes that humans are layered individuals. Taking from the Golden Rule—treat others how you want to be treated—he explains how and why the route to success for interpersonal interactions lies in remaining open-minded and trusting.


If “small and sustainable” is your mantra:

Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business, by Paul Jarvis

Using personal experience, Paul Jarvis offers a refreshing and original outlook about how less is more. He details several business strategies that clarify how to reclaim control of your work and your life, allowing you to embrace the idea that a party of one is enough.


If you want to master the art of persuasion:

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Memorable stories and “idea clinics” in this practical guide exemplify how to transform ideas from dull to dazzling. Brothers Chip and Dan Heath highlight the simple but successful way of recognizing and employing the key six principles that all unforgettable, ‘sticky’ ideas share.


If you want to be a better you:

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill includes explicit tasks and goals in this motivational classic, which just might help you overcome the impossible and rule your subconscious. Hill smartly connects business success to self-improvement in a way that millions have found both useful and inspiring.


If you like our reading list, you’ll love our ideas about taking your real estate business to the next level. We’re Formations, a new kind of financial service designed to support independent businesses like real estate agents. You get access to skilled professionals and easy-to-use online services that will help you minimize your taxes, organize your finances, and maximize your savings. Click below to learn more.

Make 2022 your best year yet and tune into our free webinar to learn how top-producing agents are keeping more of their commissions.

In conclusion, being a successful real estate agent goes beyond just having the right mindset and interpersonal skills. It also requires continuous learning and staying up-to-date on industry trends. Incorporating the knowledge gained from books like those on this list, along with proper real estate accounting practices, can help take your business to the next level.

And with the help of Formations, a financial service designed to support independent businesses, you can focus on what you do best while leaving the financial management to the professionals.