Manny Cumplido

”I started with Formations very early on in the business as I immediately saw the value of devoting all my time to increasing revenue and profit. ”

Consultant, MODAL Sales Group

Meet Manny Cumplido.

Manny’s business has helped hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses recover from a difficult start to the 2020s during the pandemic. Hearing stories of how his clients use the funds he helps them access to advance their missions is what fuels his work.

With a year and a half of remarkable impact behind him, Manny is poised to broaden his services, reaching out to more organizations in need of his unique blend of empathetic and competitive sales support.

How has Formations helped your business?

I started with Formations very early on in the business as I immediately saw the value of devoting all my time to increasing revenue and profit.

We ended up generating over $2M in receivables in under 18 months with the most bootstrapped sales you could imagine, but we could only do this because all my attention was there, knowing that these other pieces would be taken care of by my Formations.

Not having to think about the bookkeeping and accounting side of this business enabled us to achieve incredible milestones in a very short amount of time.

While formations leverages all the tech that they can, they keep an open channel of communication and are willing to spend time face-to-face to discuss questions I have. This is what I value the most from the service.

Would you recommend Formations to your colleagues?

Absolutely, you get the best parts of a great bookkeeper and accountant without the overhead of office space, HR, or other things that you may not need as a small business owner. And Formations is more personal, more genuinely interested, and more knowledgeable than other preparers I've worked with.

How did you feel about tax season before Formations?

I felt that I knew I was missing things and would inevitably get a letter in the future. Now, I know I'm maximizing my tax planning and am not worried about whatever might come. Peace of mind really is almost priceless!

A Word from the Formations Team

At Formations, we're inspired daily by the stories of entrepreneurs like Manny, who not only navigate the complexities of running a business, but also contribute positively to their communities.

Our commitment is to ensure that financial management and tax planning are not hurdles but enablers for your success. We're here to handle the details so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business and making a difference.

Follow Along with Manny’s Success

Follow along with Manny’s business MODAL Sales Group and the work he’s doing with Hundredfold


I felt that I knew I was missing things and would inevitably get a letter in the future. Now, I know I'm maximizing my tax planning and am not worried about whatever might come. Peace of mind really is almost priceless!"

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