A message from the Formations Team:
Steven Cozza and his team have helped countless clients over the years. Their transaction history and incredible 98 five-star reviews on Google speaks volume not only to the success they’ve built as a team, but to the trust hundreds of families have placed with them.
This level of service and dedication to their clients means countless hours behind the scenes to make sure their clients are taken care of, and this all happens in addition to the numerous things required to run a real estate business: continuing education, training, market research, marketing, paperwork (lots of paperwork), and much more.
Because of this, it’s not uncommon for even the most successful agents and teams to put themselves last because they put their clients first. And when they do spend time focusing on their needs, they are pouring efforts into growing their business, building their team, or focusing on their family. The business financials are often the last on the list, and that’s where we come in.
Formations is proud to provide agents with peace of mind, knowing their financials and taxes are taken care of so they can continue doing what they do best.
We consider ourselves an extension of the team, here to support the growth and continued success of the business and the individuals behind them.
Join us in cheering on the Cozza Team’s success by following them on Instagram or visiting their website at www.cozzateam.com.